Seth Peek

Seth Peek


Squat 320

Clean & Jerk 230

Snatch 175

Everything is a Work in Progress Everyday!


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

CrossFit Level 2 Certification

Bachelors Of Arts San Diego State

Ca State Contractors License

Ca State Real Estate Agent

About Coach

I am a local business owner who enjoys life with my wife Karen here in Atascadero! I grew up surfing and riding dirt bikes all the time. In my thirties, I started getting into running and overall fitness culminating in my now obsession with Crossfit and anything health and wellness related.

Turning Point

When I was 30, I decided to stop drinking alcohol. Life has been in High Definition since then. You can do what scares you most, trust me.

Motivation & Passion

I am motivated by those who want a healthier future and are game to do what it takes to achieve it.

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