Jana Cancel

Jana Cancel

CFL2 | Coach (Nutrition and Fitness)

Ran the Chicago Marathon; 335lb. Deadlift; 200lb Front Squat; 227 unbroken Double- Unders; Red V score on the Level Method Aerobic Power Intervals assessment; and first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.


CrossFit Level 2 Certification

Healthy Steps Nutrition Coach

Over 5 years of CrossFit Experience

Over 3 years as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor.

About Coach

I have always been active and enjoyed movement but wasn’t really exposed to formal sports until my late teens. Then I tried every sport I could - mainly soccer, basketball, and martial arts. I loved running but I had no clue about strength training and didn’t see much benefit in it. I ran the Chicago marathon but as soon as I finished, I lost interest in running and got lost in working a lot at my job. So, I stopped being active outside of the occasional globe gym visit. This was typical of me, set a goal, get it, and then stop that sport - I got my black belt then stopped Tae Kwon Do; I played basketball at my college and then stopped after school; ect. But when my husband found CrossFit on a Netflix documentary and said “Babe, you could do that!” I set my mind to do it and overcome my fear of weight-lifting. Four years later, I’m still passionate about the sport of CrossFit and can see myself doing it for the rest of my life. I just wish I would have started sooner. As a coach and an athlete there is unlimited potential to reach, creative new skills to learn and teach, as well as stamina, cardio, and strength training combined in countless ways. CrossFit has made me appreciate a holistic approach to fitness that utilizes the positives of every sport.

Turning Point

Growing up, I was always driven to try my best and be the best. However, this also came with the fear of failure. I was exposed to sports later than most of the kids around me. I tried basketball and ballet in 6th grade and enjoyed them but didn’t pursue sports again until late high school and college. Therefore, I was always playing catch-up and felt like a failure or “not good enough” on the teams I joined. I had to realize that I will not be the best at most things but that does not mean failure. Instead, not trying at all is failure. The greatest accomplishment I feel is when I set a goal for myself and achieve it! In doing my best I have found how to do far more then I ever would have imagined.

Motivation & Passion

Coaching is a natural outflow of who I am. As a former ESL teacher, I love to pass on what I know and help others reach their goals through a process of excellence. Inspiring others to reach their potential in fitness and life is one of my greatest joys!

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